This itinerary focuses on two exquisite Italian provincial capitals, two enchanting, refined parlours encasing the best of widespread urbanism typical of the Bel Paese: Parma, in Emilia Romagna, whose nickname from the Byzantine age, “Crisopoli”, or ” city of gold “, is fully legitimized by its extraordinary historic center rich in medieval and Renaissance testimonies, by its formidable cuisine, among the most renowned in the world, which boasts excellences such as Parmesan and Prosciutto Crudo (so much so that UNESCO proclaimed it “Creative City” of Italian cuisine, and the European Union has chosen it as the seat of the European Food Safety Authority) and by its prestigious musical and cultural tradition; and Vicenza, in Veneto, a UNESCO World Heritage Site by virtue of the admirable architectural interventions signed by Andrea Palladio (1508/1580); his unmistakable style brings the splendor of the Greek-Latin model back to life: a bright, harmonious, symmetrical style, in a word “Apollonian”, destined to gather an enormous following among subsequent generations both in Italy and abroad, especially in the United States where it served as a model for institutional buildings.